WATCH – Thousands of Bikers Join Toy Run: ‘We Want to Make Sure Each Kid Has a Christmas’

Over 2,000 bikers gathered in downtown Wichita, Kansas, on Sunday to participate in the 42nd annual Wichita Toy Run.

The motorcyclists rode from Douglas and McLean and went north on Broadway to the Hartman Arena, KSN reported.

Event organizers said they hoped to donate 7,000 to 9,000 toys to local children and raise approximately $18,000 to $25,000 for charities.

“There are no words. Like, this is what being in the biker community is about. It’s stepping up and stepping out and being there for your brothers and people in your community,” Terisa Olson, who is with the Wichita Toy Run, said.

“We want to make sure each kid has a Christmas,” she added.

The organization shared a photo of the massive gathering and expressed its gratitude for those who joined the event, noting there were 2,660 motorcycles present.

“Thank You to the FABULOUS Wichita Toy Run Committee, Volunteers, and PARTICIPANTS of the 2021 Wichita Toy Run,” the post read:

💥THANK YOU WICHITA ‼️Thank You to the FABULOUS Wichita Toy Run Committee, Volunteers, and PARTICIPANTS of the 2021…

Posted by Wichita Toy Run Association on Sunday, November 7, 2021

Colin Grimes said he has joined the event approximately eight times.

“We like to support our community and try to take care of the kids in the local community,” Grimes explained. “I feel like just a simple toy sometimes when you don’t have anything that’s a huge benefit, and that makes their Christmas a special thing too.”

Video footage showed the sea of motorcycles, many with toys strapped to their seats:

One rider said it was his first event, and he was moved by the outpouring of support.

“I brought a Barbie Doll, and my wife here gave it to me to give,” Josh Casani said. “A lot of toys, it looks like. A lot of people have them on the back of their bike, you can see.”

Proceeds from the toy run will be given to the Salvation Army, USMC Toys for Tots, and the Kansas Food Bank.

Additional photos showed participants with military servicemembers and motorcycles decorated with American flags:


Posted by Wichita Toy Run Association on Sunday, November 7, 2021

Facebook users called the event awesome, and one person said, “It was an absolutely amazing day!”

“Our favorite day of the year. Thank you to all those who help make this happen,” another user commented.


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