Palestinian TV After Murder of Israeli Teen: ‘We Have Given Them Grief’

JERUSALEM – Two days after the brutal murder of an Israeli teen by a Palestinian terrorist, official Palestinian Authority TV broadcast a song celebrating the grief caused to mourning families of victims of terror.

The lyrics, translated by monitoring group Palestinian Media Watch, open with the declaration that Palestinians are “not afraid of the enemy,” i.e., Israel.

“A bone in the throat of the Zionists /  We have given them a taste of grief,” it continues.

It gives an example of rock-throwing — a regular pastime for children in the West Bank — as one of the ways to cause such grief.

“Victory is certain, it’s inevitable / A rock thrown with expertise.”

It continues with a veiled threat that the terror awaiting Israel will be ten times more than what it has already suffered, with ten times as many security prisoners in Israeli jails.

“We swear in the name of the prisoners / In place of one [prisoner], here are ten.”

As PMW notes, the singer is holding a young child and points to him, suggesting that he too will grow up to become a future prisoner and thus a terrorist.

 Below are the lyrics in full:

We are not afraid of the enemy — a bone in the throat of the Zionists

Palestinians — We are! We are!

The people of Jerusalem — We are! We are!

The people of Jenin — We are! We are!

O Al-Aqsa [Mosque], your wounds will heal

Victory is certain, it’s inevitable

A rock thrown with expertise

The people of Jaffa — We are! We are!

The people of Haifa — We are! We are!

The people of Lod — We are! We are!

The people of Ramle

The people of Acre — We are! We are!

The people of Nazareth — We are! We are! …

We swear in the name of the prisoners

In place of one [prisoner], here are ten

We have given them [the Israelis] a taste of grief

We have given them a taste of grief — a bone in the throat of the Zionists


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