Dumbing-Down Our National Interest: An Interview With John Bernard, Part 4

This is the final of four installments of the interview with John Bernard. Readers who are interested may watch the entire interview on Vimeo, or in two parts on YouTube: Part 1 and Part 2. The full transcript is available here.

Interview With John Bernard, Part 4

Let Them Fight or Bring Them Home!

Canadian journalist Terry Glavin, who has embedded himself with Canadian troops in Afghanistan many times, feels that Iran has massively growing influence in Kabul, and that the best way to fight Iran is to maintain troops in Afghanistan. How would you respond to that?

John BernardHe’s absolutely right. The number one — and a lot of people don’t realize this, and again, this goes back to misunderstanding Islam.

Let me start with a statement, first of all: the biggest mistake we’ve made in this thing is from our premise that, number one, Islam is a religion of peace. It is not.

Prime Minister Erdogan in Turkey took great issue with that when — I don’t remember who it was, a military person here in the United States or someone within our government, wanted to assure the Muslim population of the world that we recognize their religion is peaceful. He took great issue with that. He took that as a personal insult.

And the point is, therein lies the genesis of the problem, in our misunderstanding of the religion — or the adherents of the religion — their vision of who they are. In our delicate sensibilities as Americans, and our lack of understanding of Islam, we wanted to impress on them who we would like them to be.

So we see them principally as peaceful people, and that you have within their numbers a few rogue individuals who want to go around strapping on a bomb and blowing things up. And somehow or another that doesn’t reflect the religion; it reflects basically these few idiots running around.

What we need to do is talk to the people and ask them who they are. And you don’t really have to go very far to do that. All you have to do is read their writings, read the consensus of the scholars — listen to who they say they are. Now, when they march in the street and claim to hate America, there’s probably a little bit more truth in that than you’d dare to suggest.

They in fact hold all things that are not Islamic as being unsubmissive to their holy being, Allah — who, by the way, is not the God of the Bible — and they believe that the Koran teaches them that they are to hold all infidels, all unbelievers, accountable. Now, you get an opportunity to convert; you don’t want to convert, you can become a slave — a slave to whoever it is that’s now capturing you — or you die. There’s no other way to do it.

The forces that are at work in the world right now, bombing places around the world, or cutting off heads — that we call terrorists — this is part of their plan, to destabilize everything that is not Islamic. If they can do that, and they can create any grief, Allah commends that behavior.

So when you’re looking at Iran specifically, Iran has, under their clerics, a very specific understanding of end time prophecy as is described within the Koran. The believe that they can, and have a responsibility to, bring on end times as quickly as possible. The great “Antichrist” figure within the Islamic faith […] they believe is a Jew.

The Islamic peoples of the world hate the Jews above all else, infidels second to that. Curiously enough, the number one people they hate, actually, before the Jews, are the apostates. So when you’re talking about the converts to Christianity, the reason they’re so willing to kill them, those are people that are unrepentant, people that have known the truth, moved away, and should be killed — there is no hope for them; there is no asking them to come back. Just kill ’em outright. Jews next, then infidels.

The Islamic regime, which is a theocracy — that farce they have in the way of Ahmadinejad is strictly a front. It’s almost like, if you watch any of these sci-fi movies, and they’re going to deal with alien creatures from other planets, they’ll create these facades to speak for them, that the alien might possibly understand. That’s all that Ahmadinejad is. That’s all that form of governance is. They are by any definition a theocracy.

Their intent is to bring about, number one, the Caliphate again — which was disbanded, what, about a hundred years ago [1924] — and to enforce it, and that Caliphate’s business is to use every tool within the Koranic toolbox to go out and to force the world into submission to Allah.

So, yeah, when you’re looking at Iran reaching out into Afghanistan, there’s certainly great evidence that they’re making great headway in Iraq. My belief is that as soon as we pull out, I wouldn’t give Iraq a year, and it will be under an Iranian-controlled theocracy. And I believe that once we leave Afghanistan, it will happen there.

This whole notion of leaving a void in Afghan government, that’s another piece of nonsense. There wasn’t any void before we got there; there will be no void when we leave. And, even after we leave — if we leave having completed whatever mission we decide, if it’s just killing bad guys and going home — I can promise you that there will be a very strong Islamic regime, one way or the other, in control of Afghanistan once this is done.


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