Whoever or Whatever Obama Is, The Left Will Back Him

By rights, Obama’s escalating escapade in Libya should be offensive to his minions on the Left. Shades of Imperialism and Vietnam, what! But expecting ideological purity from that crowd would be asking too much. They know full well a comrade like Obama doesn’t make it to the Oval Office every day. Their man is unique and it’s much smarter to protect the Crown Jewels even if they have a flaw. Here, via Breitbart, is a confession from a liberal that proves the Left knows exactly what they’re doing – they’re forgiving Obama’s sins and giving him a free pass.

This political anomaly should be an alert to anyone counting on “the base” to abandon Obama next year. They are making a serious miscalculation. The stakes are too high to stay home and there is simply no place else for liberals and the Left to go. It just doesn’t get better than BHO. Trotsky won’t be on the ballot.


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