Bibi's Speech To Congress Null Before Delivered

Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled to address the U.S. Congress next month and deliver what has been billed as a major Mideast peace policy speech. It’s widely assumed that Netanyahu will bring new offerings to the PLO as a way of pumping life into the moribund “peace process” – and also as a means to head-off Obama’s own final solution to the conflict. Speaker of The House John Boehner extended the invitation to Netanyahu only 14 days ago and developments since then have already changed the situation in ways that call for a major rewrite. The terror group Hamas and Israel’s “peace partner” the Palestinian Authority have ironed out their differences and just announced that their divorce didn’t work out. The silly game of good cop, bad cop is at an end. Going forward, Israel can’t have one without the other.

There are those who still cling to the belief that hidden inside the weak-kneed Bibi of Wye, Hebron, “the freeze,” and Bar-Ilan lies a shtarker* trying to get out. For them – and those who’ve given up on the man – his speech next month will be the moment of truth. As Caroline Glick puts it in her column today, This Is Netanyahu’s Time To Choose. The prime minister will either offer more sacrifices to the Oslo idol or tell the world Israel will no longer worship at the feet of a false god. His decision will have momentous consequences for the Jewish state, the Jewish people, and the Western world.

*strong person


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