In The Fight For Israel, Women Take The Lead

There are many men and women, Jews and gentiles, who are on the offensive in the struggle for Israel. But for me, two names come to mind first, the American-born Israeli Caroline Glick and Britain’s Melanie Phillips. Click on their names and see if you agree.

Melanie Phillips (top), and Caroline Glick

If you’re wondering what criteria I used to pick these two gallant women out of a very large field, number one is that they speak authoritatively and don’t preach just to the converted. Their eloquent voices, and their influence, travel well beyond the friendly confines of the “national camp” to tens of thousands who have probably never heard a true Zionist message before – and probably never wanted to. Second, Glick and Phillips are not so much “defenders of Israel” as they are two tigers taking the attack to anyone who dares threaten the streak. All told, that makes them much more than pundits. It puts them in the rarified company of pro-Israel leaders.


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