Foreign Media Turning On Obama? Obama's Weakness 'A Problem For the Entire Global Economy'

The foreign media (particularly in Europe) has always been supportive of Obama. Along with overheated rhetoric about how he was going to unite America, there was always the underlying tone that by replacing George W. Bush, the adults were now back in charge. Obama had all the hallmarks of competence, at least in the eyes of the European media. Well, how quickly things change. Now comes Germany’s Der Spiegel, which has always been aggressively pro-Obama, with this word of warning about the American Commander-in-Chief:

“A new financial crisis has gripped the US, Asia and Europe, but Barack Obama can only respond with catchphrases. The United States will remain a ‘triple-A country,’ the US president insisted Monday, as stock markets crashed. The most powerful man in the world seems strangely paralyzed….

Weak leadership could cost Obama the next election. But it is not just a problem for the US president. Neither is it just a problem for America. Obama’s weakness is a problem for the entire global economy.”

The full story is here.


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