The Green Mask Is Being Peeled Away From The CO mmunists – All Eyes Now On Copenhagen

Now that we are learning prominent leaders of the global warming movement destroyed the data they claim to have used to construct their climate models, and only the most rabid environmental fraud deniers still cling to the authenticity of their “science”, a serious moment of truth is fast approaching.

That moment is Copenhagen, which has always been about much more than so called “man-made global warming”. Copenhagen has always been about striking a “Global New Deal”.

Last month, we compiled and posted extensive evidence of years-long Democratic party coordination with the Party of European Socialists (PES). Click here to see our detailed examination of this special relationship, including then Party Chairman Howard Dean’s full address to the 7th Congress of the PES.

If you do not have the time to examine the detailed account linked above, just take a look at the video below for a quick and horrifying taste of what the global Progressive movement has been cooking up for Copenhagen. It’s a promotional video for the “Global Progressive Forum”, an event created and organized by the PES.

[youtube k-kzlRoNfks nolink]

President Clinton makes his remarks in the beginning of the video. At approximately (3:15) Howard Dean makes an appearance. Toward the end (4:45), the president of the PES talks about the “Global New Deal”.

We are going to learn just how far our leaders are willing to go to continue this “green” charade, despite overwhelming legitimate doubt about the credibility of the source of alarm regarding anthropogenic global warming.

Only people with a political agenda to fulfill would continue to wield the social-moral bludgeon of man-made global warming despite the apparent corruption of its rationale revealed thus far.

Copenhagen should, therefore, provide us with rare insight on the extent of the symbiotic corruption between the scientific and political communities.

What a sad state of affairs for any genuine environmental pollution issues, which have had all of the air sucked out of them by this giant red smokescreen, and are now tainted by association.

Has anyone examined if this axis of corruption held sway on other popular social-science issues? 2nd hand smoke? Trans-fats? Poverty? Violence?


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