President Obama Proves Glenn Beck's 'Fundamental Transformation' Argument

Somebody nominate Bret Baier for a Pulitzer! There has never been a more revealing interview with Candidate or President Obama and after yesterday, there likely won’t be one again.


The president found his conversation with Baier “frustrating” because it focused too much on “process” for his taste. The irony is, if Obama’s Democratic colleagues supported his health care take-over, process wouldn’t be an issue. They don’t and thus it is. So it is important because it shows the leadership will change the rules in order to get what they want.

But the president proved Glenn Beck’s argument that the fundamental transformation of America has begun.

“We’re not transforming one-sixth of the economy all in one fell swoop,” Obama told Baier.

This implies that what is being bandied about is only the beginning, not the end. And that pattern of thought has emerged from Washington with similar statements from Sens. Tom Harkin and Sherrod Brown.

It is likely what persuaded Rep. Dennis Kucinich to flip from a ‘no’ to a ‘yes.’

Obama also promised that the legislation will be available on-line for “several” days before a vote. Congressional leaders set a vote deadline of this weekend, so that bill should appear within hours in order for the president to keep his word – unless that was a casual promise never intended to be kept, either.

Baier’s interview showed the president doesn’t know what’s in the bill, when it will be voted on or what it will do to the economy. Nevertheless, we have a crisis on our hands and a yet-to-be-seen fix must be passed. NOW!

Welcome to the transformed America.


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