Is Revolution In the Air? If So, Let It Be an American Revolution

The world seems to be coming apart at its seams. We are facing real threats that resemble the great plagues of the past. This plague is targeting the foundations of society as opposed to the people who make it. Great Britain is being throttled by rioters as London has become a city of chaos. We are witnessing a global meltdown in the financial markets and the only thing that looks to be clear at this point is that a new world order will emerge once the old one gives up the ghost.

Countries such as Russia and China are clamoring for the US dollar dominated-era to end. The latter of the two is in a good position to take advantage of US vulnerabilities. Back in 2009, there was a concerted effort by rich nations such as France, China, Russia, and Japan to move away from dealing in dollars for the price of oil. It was really just pecking blows from lightweights – considering US economic hegemony – as opposed to a knockout blow. However, in my limited powers of observation, the US’ legs are as wobbly as anytime before. The momentum, if you want to call it that, does seem to be moving away from the US in light of our economic and financial woes toward a yet to be announced global realignment.

It is easy to be fatalistic when faced with so many uncertainties. The US is losing credibility along with its place in the world as the sole superpower. Consider the fact that we aren’t being removed from that lofty pedestal from the machinations of another, but, rather, our fall is by our own doing; and it becomes even more depressing.

Our government has spent every cent it has taken in and then borrowed an additional $14 trillion. Take a minute for that to seep in. Our politicians promised and voted in programs it could not afford. Voting constituencies lapped it up. Our national debt became excessive and is now a catastrophic danger. Our government ignored proper funding for the interest on the debt. Instead we borrowed more against our debt. The result, obviously, was that creditors lost confidence in their investments and government securities were hardly secure. The party is ending but it goes much deeper than that.

According to a Rasmussen Poll

A new Rasmussen poll shows that just 17 per cent of Americans believe that the U.S. government has the consent of the governed, an all time low. This dovetails with a record low for Congress’ approval rating, which stands at a paltry 6 per cent, while 46 per cent of Americans think most members of Congress are corrupt, with just 29% believing otherwise.

“The number of voters who feel the government has the consent of the governed – a foundational principle, contained in the Declaration of Independence – is down from 23% in early May and has fallen to its lowest level measured yet

Pollster: Americans Are “Pre-Revolutionary”

The results of this survey indicate that Americans are now “pre-revolutionary” says pollster Pat Caddell, who described the outcome of the poll as “unprecedented”.

This conclusion follows Caddell’s observation last November that “a sea of anger is churning” amongst Americans who “want to take their country back” and that the nation stood on the brink of a “pre-revolutionary moment”.

Caddell’s conclusion that Americans are on the verge of rising up against a system in which they have lost all trust cannot be easily dismissed as partisan rhetoric. Despite working for numerous Democratic presidential candidates, including Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden, Caddell has been a vociferous critic of both Democrats and Republicans on several issues.

Back in early 2008, before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the start of the financial crisis, we warned that inflation and economic uncertainty would cause a massive social dislocation, which would lead to riots globally. Gerald Celente and others repeated the warning in late 2008. Over the last 18 months, we have now witnessed such scenes across the Middle East and in France, Spain, Greece, Italy and most recently London.

Indeed, the only major western country not to experience significant social unrest since the economic collapse is America, although anecdotal evidence of rising crime and thefts suggests a turning point could be just around the corner.

Should violence plague American streets as a result of a deepening economic crisis, U.S. troops have already been prepared to deal with such a crisis.

As we reported three years ago, U.S. troops returning from Iraq were being re-allocated to occupy America, running checkpoints and training to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” under the auspices of a Northcom program that revolved around deploying 20,000 active duty troops inside America to “help” state and local officials during times of emergency.

I suppose this where I’m to quote Jefferson’s thoughts that a little revolution from time to time is a good thing. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

In my mind, that his hogwash.

America has been remarkably successful in reinventing itself — if you don’t like that term then restoring itself — when circumstances require. To be sure these are tough times, domestically and internationally, but do they dwarf the times of The Great Depression? How about the series of depressions that plagued the U.S. during the 1880s and 1890s? The natural ebb and flow of American history is not without disasters, failures, and major and minor setbacks. In fact, there is hardly anything unique or historical about those events when compared to others in proper context. But what is amazing and, rather unique I should add, is America’s ability to reform, to swing the pendulum in the right direction, to recognize a leader(s) fit for the time and change course categorically. It has been that idea of innovation, creativity, and the healthy disregard of tradition when needed, or the resolve to entrench ourselves in it.

America’s track record has proved remarkably successful when dealing with adversity. These economic times coupled with runaway debt and deficits are indeed troubling and something to arouse great concern. And if they aren’t corrected and turned around in some way, to some degree, it will be to our ruin. However, I’m betting on just that. Americans will make the tough choices and reset an agenda for our nation. The alternative is simply too unthinkable.

If we are to have a revolution, let it be a revolution of the mind and behavior. A civic revolution carried on the backs of patriots, not carried through the streets as mobs and rioters. That’s what scared savages do. Our system only needs to be dusted off and relearned. Start by legalizing the Constitution again. Let’s pressure our states representatives for a Constitutional state convention. Let’s have a 10 million man march on Washington D.C. and verbally recall every elected official personally, under live coverage. No crying is allowed. Flood Capitol Hill and stack on the steps of every federal building as high as you can copies of Declaration of Independence. Let’s wash the monuments that stand tall and proud. Rip up your Republican or Democrat voting cards and dutifully pay the fine for littering Pennsylvania Avenue. We the People need to accept ownership of our lives and country, not outsource it to a bunch of crooks and soulless career-politicians. They are beyond redemption and we are the gatekeepers.

That is how a revolution in America is launched. Indeed, that is the only kind of revolution that is needed.


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