Liberal Agitator Obstructs Reporter, Tells Him 'You're Not Helping.'

Get a load of how some in the Left view the role of the media:

[youtube PY2lpKx-gGE]

While covering the latest demonstration outside the office of Congressman Paul Ryan, MacIver News Service’s Bill Osmulski learns some protesters are upset that he has not been helpful to their cause. Because he has consistently and accurately reported what’s been going on in Wisconsin, some liberal activists attempted to prevent him from working.

Their idea of a real journalist is apparently someone who is ‘helpful.’

“Obviously you’re doing something wrong as a journalist if people don’t want you here that badly,” one protester told him.

That some protesters think a reporter’s job is to be helpful to their liberal cause should be offensive to every traditional, mainstream, journalist.

Well, you’d like to think so.

While this was not the first time people have tried to obstruct him, the good news is once again, the interference did not prevent Bill from covering the event.


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