Poll: Jeb! Leads Republican Candidates For President For 2016

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is the current leader in the race for the Republican nomination, according to a new NBC/WSJ poll released today.

Republican primary voters were asked to name the one candidate they would pick for the nomination. Jeb Bush, who announced his candidacy last week, leads with 22 percent. Behind him are Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, with 17 percent, and Marco Rubio, of Florida, with 14 percent. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, was fourth, with 11 percent.

Twenty-two percent of polled Republican respondents endorsed the idea of a third member of the Bush family for president, according to the poll, when they were asked to cite one candidate they would pick.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker came in second with 17 percent, and Sen. Marco Rubio was third with 14 percent.

Donald Trump came in last, below John Kasich with about one percent.

Here is the full round up:

Jeb Bush – 22
Scott Walker – 17
Marco Rubio – 14
Ben Carson – 11
Mike Huckabee – 9
Rand Paul – 7
Rick Perry – 5
Chris Christie – 4
Ted Cruz – 4
Carly Fiorina – 2
Lindsey Graham – 1
John Kasich – 1
Donald Trump – 1

June polls conducted months before the primary elections begin are interesting, but rarely reflect the reality of who reaches the finish line in a primary process.

In 2007, 29 percent of Republicans chose well-known New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the WSJ/NBC poll as their first choice with 29 percent. Actor Fred Thompson was earning buzz, even though he wasn’t even a candidate, with 20 percent.

Gov. Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain were tied for third at 14 percent – but McCain was the eventual winner.

In a weak Republican field for the 2012 election, Romney held the lead in the June 2011 WSJ/WSJ poll with 30 percent, but former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin held the second place with 14 percent. Herman Cain was third with 12 percent.


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