Gutfeld: ‘Trump Could Rule As a Dem,’ Turned ‘Righties Into Lefties’

Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld argued Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “could rule as a Dem” and has “turned millions of righties into lefties” on Thursday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

Gutfeld said of Trump signing the RNC’s unity pledge, “The good news, the pledge forces everyone, Donald included, to take the campaign seriously. He has to be less pundit, and sadly, more political. He can’t just keep saying ‘China’ until his face explodes.”

Gutfeld continued, “The bad news, he just sold out to the evil RINOs. the outsider has now hopped inside. Now, obviously the pledge is not a legally binding document. It’s one step above a blood oath in a tree house made by two kids in knee socks. And we all know Donald only signs deals with escape hatches. A big fan of the prenup, his success is in maintaining a plausible way out.”

Gutfeld later added, “After all, Trump could rule as a Dem, a party that’s all pantsuit, no cattle. Trump’s for higher taxes, a trade war, defends planned parenthood, and single-payer, talk about a persuasive candidate. He’s turned millions of righties into lefties. So, while I’m glad he signed the pledge, pledges are meant to be broken. Remember, no new taxes lasted as long as a fruit fly’s puberty. In sum, the only good pledge is the kind that polishes your wood, or the one that fetches you beer at a kegger.”

Later on, in another segment, Gutfeld said, that while people who come the US should learn English, “after seven years of identity politics, I don’t think the best thing for Republicans to do is to go after bilingualism. I think it’s good to know another language. But I think this speaks to a bigger issue. I think it’s time for Donald Trump to go deep, to reconsider these kinds of comments. Stop running as Ann Coulter, start running as Margaret Thatcher. Start running like a statesperson, and treat things like assimilation, which is extremely important, as a serious topic, and don’t say, you ought to stop speaking Spanish. Treat it as serious as it should be treated, and still be funny.”


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