Black Women Buying Guns to Carry for Self-Defense

black women

Black women in Lawrenceville, Georgia, are buying guns and sitting in firearms courses to learn how to defend themselves should they come under violent attack.

The black women in Lawrenceville are complimented by black women who own guns in Chicago and around this country; all of whom have traded their would-be victim status for position of empowerment via gun ownership and training.

According to the Associated Press, Marchelle Tigner is training the women in Lawrenceville. She served in the National Guard, where she learned how much good a woman with a gun can accomplish. She pointed to a high rate of domestic violence for black women and said, “It’s important, especially for black women, to learn how to shoot. We need to learn how to defend ourselves.”

During a recent training session, one of the black women in attendance said she was not sure she could take another life, even if doing so meant saving her own life. Tigner told her the training is not about taking lives but about eliminating, or stopping, threats. She then asked the woman to imagine a situation where the bad guy had a gun but the woman did not. Tigner observed, “I promise you they’re not going to be having any sympathy or going through the thought process you are [in that scenario].”

On July 20, Breitbart News reported Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) findings that concealed carry is surging and that is being led by women and blacks.

CPRC found “eight states had data from 2012 to 2016 and they saw a 326% faster increase in permits among women than among men.” During the same time period—2012 to 2016—race data available from five states shows “the number of black people with permits increased 30% faster than the number of whites with permits.”

This is good news for Marchelle Tigner, who said her goal is to teach one million women how to shoot/use guns for self-defense.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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