Poll: 77 Percent of Voters Support Protecting Babies Who Survive Abortion

A nursing auxiliary takes care of a newborn baby on July 7, 2018 at the hospital in Nantes

A new poll released by the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) finds 77 percent of voters support legislation to ensure a baby who survives a failed abortion is given the same medical treatment as any other baby born prematurely at the same age.

McLaughlin & Associates conducted the survey of 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide between February 6 and 10, 2019.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent “strongly support” such legislation, while 21 percent “somewhat support” it.

Among the respondents, 4 percent “somewhat oppose” the legislation, while 5 percent “strongly oppose” it, and 14 percent either “don’t know” or “refuse” to respond.

When political party affiliation is a factor, 86 percent of Republicans support the legislation, as do 70 percent of Democrats, and 75 percent of independents:

According to the poll, 75 percent of women and 79 percent of men support the legislation.

Survey participants were also asked whether they support or oppose legislation that allows late-term abortions, “even up to the point when a woman is in labor.”

Among the voters, 62 percent oppose such legislation – including 50 percent who strongly oppose – while 28 percent support it.

Additionally, 23 percent of Republicans support such legislation, while 71 percent oppose it; 41 percent of Democrats support it, while 48 percent oppose it; and 21 percent of independents support it, while 70 percent oppose it.

Only 26 percent of women support such legislation, as do 31 percent of men.

All survey interviews were conducted online, following random distribution of invitations within predetermined geographic areas. The poll of 1,000 general election voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent at a 95 percent confidence interval.

The poll’s results come as New York has passed such a law that declares abortion until birth a fundamental right, while other states such as VirginiaVermontRhode Island, New Mexico, and Illinois are also weighing legislation that would declare ending the life of an unborn baby – even until the moment of birth – to be a fundamental right and would equate it with “health care.”

Meanwhile, House Republicans have reintroduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and are trying to force a vote on the bill in the Democrat-led House:

“Americans overwhelmingly reject the Democratic Party’s extreme agenda of abortion on demand through birth and even beyond,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Three in four voters agree babies born alive during a failed abortion should be protected in law, and nearly two-thirds oppose efforts to allow late-term abortion even at the moment of delivery, like those in Virginia and New York.”

In his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump called upon Congress to pass legislation that would prohibit abortion past the time when science has shown an unborn baby can feel pain.

“Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life,” the president said. “And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.”

However, Democrats – many of whom receive political contributions from key abortion industry giants like Planned Parenthood – have made abortion a central plank of their party’s platform:

“Democrats’ obstruction of compassionate legislation to protect these vulnerable children exposes them as the party of infanticide and shows how radically out of step they are with the American people,” Dannenfelser said, urging Congress to bring the Born-Alive legislation to the floor for a vote.

“Voters deserve to know where their legislators stand,” she added. “Abortion extremists who betray their constituents will be held accountable at the ballot box.”


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