Amy Klobuchar: Trump Has Not Made America or Israel ‘Safer’

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Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) discussed Middle East policy and claimed Sunday during the liberal “pro-Israel, pro-peace” J Street conference that President Donald Trump has not made America or Israel “safer.”

“I don’t think we want the status quo. We want to get a two-state solution. We want peace. There should be a way to get there,” Klobuchar told the group, which supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “Time and time again, it’s held up.”

Asked about the Iran nuclear deal Trump withdrew from and the withholding of aid to place pressure on the Israeli government to act, Klobuchar said, “It’s very important that we don’t negotiate onstage.”

“I’m not going to commit right now to what that pressure is,” she added, before continuing to take aim at President Trump.

“I don’t think he’s made America safer. He certainly hasn’t made Israel safer,” Klobuchar said in regards to negotiating in a world stage.

Last week, Klobuchar and her campaign announced that she had qualified for the Democrat presidential primary debate in November.

“We just qualified for the November Democratic debate,” Klobuchar wrote at the time. “Thanks to everyone for working so hard, making a small donation, and helping us grow our momentum.”

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