ABC’s Stephanopoulos: ‘Trump Team Is Telling Outright Lies’

ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos said Sunday on “Meet the Press” that President Donald Trump’s “team is telling outright lies in television interviews and press conferences.”

Stephanopoulos said, “We may not be surprised, but we should still be shocked. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump. And by recent standards, it wasn’t all that close. More than 6 million votes nationwide. More than triple Donald Trump’s 2016 margin in the key Midwestern battlegrounds, plus win in the longtime GOP strongholds of Georgia and Arizona.”

He continued, “Faced with those facts, the president and his allies have taken their baseless claims of voter fraud to court. They’ve lost 34 times.”

He added, “Defeated in court, the Trump team is telling outright lies in television interviews and press conferences, forums where you don’t face legal sanctions for making false, frivolous, and fantastical charges. The president himself is pressuring state officials to simply overturn the will of the voters.”

He concluded, “This assault on our election will not change the outcome. Joe Biden will take the oath of office, become America’s 46th president at 12 noon on January 20. Donald Trump will leave the White House sometime before then. But how much damage will he do to our democracy on the way out?”

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