Exclusive — Rep. Randy Weber: Joe Biden Is ‘Buying Votes’

UNITED STATES - NOVEMBER 3: Rep. Randy Weber, R-Texas, arrives to the U.S. Capitol for the
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) does not believe that President Joe Biden has the legal authority to erase student debt, concluding that he is “buying votes,” making the remark during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily on Thursday.

Host Mike Slater asked the congressman about Biden’s latest move to forgive student loans, canceling over $7 billion in student debt for 160,000 people. He inquired about how Biden can constitutionally make such a move amid the Supreme Court blocking of Biden’s plan to cancel $430 billion in student loan debt for almost 40 million people in June 2023.

“I don’t see that he can, and I hope the Supreme Court gets in gear,” Weber said. ” I hope it gets filed, and, of course, we have to bring back cause of action to the Supreme Court. They’re not going to reach out and just grab it by themselves.”

“I would hope that that’s done so that we can get that reversed as well. It is so simple, Mike: Not only is it the student debt; of course, he’s buying votes,” Weber said of Biden, noting that others in the past have paid off their own student debt without a bailout.


“We all did the due diligence. We all stood good for our commitments. You know, when you sign a contract, basically that says, ‘If you all teach me, I’ll agree to pay the fine. Get this money loan to me. I’ll pay it back.’ What does that say to young people growing up that they don’t have to make commitments and stay by them because the government, Big Brother — Big Brother Joe in this case — is going to step in and take care of that for you?” he said, deeming it “pure socialism.”

“He wants the government to take care of everybody,” the congressman continued, reminding listeners that the country was “built on neighbors helping neighbors — not the government helping neighbors.”

Weber also expressed the belief that it is not really Biden who is in charge, adding, “I think it’s Obama’s third term.”

“It’s whoever’s behind him wanting to make sure he gets reelected. And so they’re doing everything they can — whether it’s debt, whether it’s school debt, whether it’s gasoline, trying to lower the gasoline prices, everything he can to try to get reelected,” Weber said. “I think they’re pretty desperate at this point.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


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