AM Joy - Page 4

MSNBC’s Joan Walsh: Ivanka Trump ‘Applauds Cruelty’

Saturday, on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” MSNBC political analyst Joan Walsh accused White House adviser Ivanka Trump of applauding “cruelty” when her father, President Donald Trump, “was celebrating “taking health care away from women.” “[Ivanka Trump] did stand and clap when her


MoveOn Spox: Trump’s First 100 Days Have Taken Women’s Rights Backwards

Saturday, senior adviser and national spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre argued that President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office have taken women’s rights backwards. Jean-Pierre reasoned on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that the healthcare bills proposed by the Trump administration take away “essential benefits for


Bill Nye: ‘Science Is Political’

Bill Nye “the Science Guy” said Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that he believes science is political, reasoning that the Constitution grants Congress the power “to promote the progress of science and useful arts.” “I just want to remind the administration


Joy Reid: Gorsuch’s Seat ‘Stolen’

During Saturday’s “AM Joy” on MSNBC, host Joy Reid teased the show’s next segment dealing with Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court earlier in the week, which she called a “stolen” seat. “Up next, the stolen seat. Republicans used


Jason Johnson: GOP’s Behavior on SCOTUS ‘Anti-American’

In a Saturday debate about Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation, Politics Editor Jason Johnson said on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that the GOP’s “horrible behavior” was not only “anti-democratic,” but also “anti-American.” “We can’t excuse the horrible behavior, the anti-democratic, the anti-American

jason johnson

Pelosi: GOP Has ‘Anti-Woman Agenda, LGBT Agenda’

During Saturday’s “AM Joy” on MSNBC, House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) argued that the GOP has an “anti-woman” and anti-LGBT agenda. “[The Republican] agenda is very similar to [President Donald Trump’s]. If you look at their budget over the last


Joy Reid: Trump ‘Mimicking’ an Authoritarian State

During Saturday’s “AM Joy” on MSNBC, host Joy Reid suggested that Trump administration is “mimicking” an authoritarian state, although she said “[T]he game now for us, in a system that is sort of mimicking an authoritarian state, even though Donald

joy reid

CNBC’s Harwood: GOP Is ‘Radically Opposed to Government Itself’

Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood accused today’s Republican Party of being “radically opposed to government itself.” “The modern Republican Party is radically opposed to government itself. They’re radically opposed to taxation. What is governing? Governing


Dem Rep Waters: Impeachment Is in Trump’s Future

During the Saturday MSNBC “AM Joy” broadcast, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) predicted that impeachment is in President Donald Trump’s future over alleged ties with Russia. “We are going to see who the real patriots are when we unveil this collusion that


Joy Reid: Donald Trump Is the ‘Baggage-in-Chief’

Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid discussed actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger quitting NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice” because people are “boycotting” the show, citing “baggage” due to President Donald Trump’s name still being associated with it. Reid said the


Dem Rep Clarke: We Won’t Stand for ‘Fascism’

While on hand for the women’s march in Washington D.C., Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) said on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” Saturday that Democrats will not stand for “fascism” used to suppress and oppress the “marginalized communities” in the US. “I believe


MSNBC Guest: Jeff Sessions Is a ‘Confederate Attorney General’

During the Saturday “AM Joy” broadcast on MSNBC, SiriusXM Progress host Mark Thompson called President-elect Donald Trump’s Attorney General pick, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a “Confederate Attorney General.” “[Sessions] is a Confederate Attorney General,” Thompson told host Joy Reid. “As

mark thompson