Rejected Twice for Asylum, Illegal Migrant Arrested on ISIS Terror Suspicions
Greek police have arrested a 34-year-old Iraqi national who has been rejected for asylum twice on suspicion of having ties to the Islamic State.

Greek police have arrested a 34-year-old Iraqi national who has been rejected for asylum twice on suspicion of having ties to the Islamic State.
In the first half of 2017, more than 600,000 Syrian refugees returned home from neighbouring countries, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Staff working at Rommerskirchen’s City Hall will be trained in self-defence after an Iraqi refugee and her ten children rioted against Social Services on Monday.
The subject was pickup lines, and Germany’s “Mr. Flirt” offered a few examples to his class of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. “I really love the scent of your perfume,” he suggested. “You have a beautiful voice.” He invited his students to take a stab.
Breitbart News has learned that a resettlement agency funded by the Obama administration plans to send 100 Iraqi and Syrian refugees to Flint, Michigan, in the fiscal year that begins next month on October 1.
That same year, 2012, the percentage of active TB cases in Idaho that were foreign-born spiked to 80 percent, or 12 out of 15, up from 50 percent in 2011, or 6 out of 12. As Breitbart News reported previously, the percentage of active TB cases in the country that are foreign-born is 66 percent.
This makes Idaho the seventh state to confirm to Breitbart News that recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB.
As many as a million people are expected to flee the Iraqi region of Mosul in the next few months as Iraqi troops prepare to wrestle the territory away from Islamic State. Thousands have already fled and are seeking refuge
TEL AVIV – A Dutch landowner has offered to house Syrian and Iraqi refugees on a site that was formerly a village for Jews fleeing the Nazis, Haaretz reported. Joep Karel, the owner of the land in Slootdorp, 35 miles
House Speaker Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) stated that while he doesn’t want terrorists to dictate whether the Syrian and Iraqi refugee programs exist, “the FBI cannot right now, certify these standards, so this does pause the program. And so, we
Europe is failing the most vulnerable refugees by focusing its sympathy on the migrants crossing its borders rather than those left behind, Canon Andrew White has said. In a passionate statement, he added: “the wrong people are at the front
The European Union has effectively threatened to cut funding to countries like Britain unless they agree to take more refugees. Officials from Austria and Germany said they were considering a plan whereby EU grant spending would be focussed on countries
An official Vatican communiqué Friday conveyed the Pope’s sorrow and solidarity with the families driven from their homes by Islamic State militants in northern Iraq. He likened their suffering to that of Jesus Christ during His passion, and sent them financial assistance, as well as Italian Easter cakes, as a sign of his closeness to them.