Middle East politics - Page 5

Turkey Vows to Reveal ‘Naked Truth’ over Khashoggi Death

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday vowed to reveal within days the “naked truth” over the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as Riyadh said it did not know the whereabouts of his body and that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had been unaware of any operation to murder him.

The Associated Press

Abbas Thanks Soros-Funded J Street for Lobbying Efforts

TEL AVIV – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas thanked the leaders of J Street for their work lobbying the Trump administration against its recent decisions regarding the Palestinians during a meeting with the dovish policy group at his Ramallah headquarters. 

RAMALLAH, WEST BANK - JUNE 27: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets Prince William, D

Nonexistent ‘Palestine’ Becomes Chair of Major U.N. Bloc

TEL AVIV – The UN General Assembly on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to appoint the “State of Palestine” as chair of Group 77, the biggest bloc of developing countries at the United Nations, which would see it able to act like a full UN member state in the coming year. 

The Associated Press

Report: Abbas’s Son Said He’s Against Two-State Solution

TEL AVIV – President Donald Trump’s special envoy for the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, held a secret meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ son last September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, veteran Israeli journalist Barak Ravid said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, center, speaks during a meeting with the Palestinian

PLO: Calling Jerusalem Israel’s Capital Constitutes ‘Incitement’

TEL AVIV – The Palestinians consider any declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital as being tantamount to “incitement,” a report released on Sunday by the PLO Department of Culture and Information said. The report also labelled as incitement any calls to counter the so-called “terror kites” being flown over the border from the Gaza Strip. 

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas delivers a speech to mark the eighth anniversary of the