Nate Silver - Page 3

Silver, Krugman Ignore Data Indicating Romney Victory

Real Clear Politics rephrases the title of Paul Krugman’s latest New York Times piece as “You’re Stupid If You Think It’s Close.” In it, Krugman writes, “Nate Silver (who has lately attracted a remarkable amount of hate – welcome to my

Silver, Krugman Ignore Data Indicating Romney Victory

Nate Silver: Patron Saint of Confirmation Bias

This morning, because the sun rose in the East, Nate Silver again increased his odds of Obama winning reelection. Silver now estimates Obama’s chances of reelection at a precise 83.7%.  Now, I realize Obama’s improved chances don’t actually have anything to

Nate Silver: Patron Saint of Confirmation Bias

Analysis: Why Obama's Desperate for Early Votes

TV viewers watching news of the approach of Sandy last week may not have thought much of President Obama’s urgent appeal to supporters to vote early. While no one who has worked turnout operations and statistic models ever accepted Nate

Analysis: Why Obama's Desperate for Early Votes

Gathering Storm: Time for Dems to Hit Panic Button

A massive and historic storm is barreling towards the beltway this weekend. The entire DC-NYC axis, headquarters of the left media complex, will suffer the effects of three storm-fronts, converging at the same time. Evacuations may be ordered, but it

Gathering Storm: Time for Dems to Hit Panic Button

Gallup: Romney Holds Steady +7 Lead

Today’s tracking poll from Gallup confirms that Romney has opened a consistent, and significant, lead in the race against President Obama. After dipping a point yesterday, the poll finds Romney again leading Obama by 7 points among likely voters, 52-45.

Gallup: Romney Holds Steady +7 Lead

Obama: The 'Tech Bubble' Candidate

For my first professional job after college, I didn’t have a cell phone or e-mail. I only occasionally used a computer, accessing a crude spreadsheet program through an MS/DOS prompt. I mention this to say I had a front-row seat

Obama: The 'Tech Bubble' Candidate

NYT's Nate Silver Exposed as Obama Propagandist

There’s no question that nationally and in the ever-important states that swing, Governor Mitt Romney is not only tied or ahead but also enjoying a real surge after his stunning Wednesday night debate victory over President Obama. The Obama campaign

NYT's Nate Silver Exposed as Obama Propagandist

The Cheat Sheet, September 29: Fired Up

Competition and market forces at work in Tech. This is one of many reasons behind why it’s bad for government to try and pick winners and losers. (Reuters) – Asian technology companies came under pressure on Thursday to slash prices

In the Teeth of the Evidence, Politico Shills for Healthcare

Jennifer Haberkorn’s recent article in Politico, “Republican Party Eyes Choking Health Law Funding,” reveals far more about her merits as a journalist and health care “expert”, than it does about the GOP’s strategy of defunding Obamacare. In anotherwise dreary and

Stimulus War: The Left's Attack on Veronique de Rugy

In March 2010, Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University released a study about President Obama’s stimulus package. It contained many informational gems: Public entities received 42 percent of awards under the stimulus package, but received