World Trade Center - Page 2

15 Pictures 15 Years Later: NYC Remembers 9/11

The terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 forever changed the New York City skyline but the resolve of New Yorkers has never wavered. Fifteen years later a touching memorial now stands in remembrance to the more than 3,000 people who lost their lives when terrorists flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center towers.


Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’

TEL AVIV – The Saudi press is continuing to unleash fury over the U.S. Senate’s unanimous vote on a bill allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, this time with the London-based Al-Hayat daily claiming that the U.S. planned the attacks on the World Trade Center in order to generate a global war on terror.

Twin Towers 9-11 Sean Adair Reuters

FLASHBACK: Jeb Bush Admitted ‘Leaky’ Immigration Led to 9/11

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s campaign is furious with 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump over Trump’s comments that the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened on Bush’s brother former President George W. Bush’s watch. But a review of the basic facts of the situation—and Jeb Bush’s own writings— reveals that even the Bushes admit that “leaky” immigration enforcement was a major driving factor in leading to the terrorist attacks.

Jeb Bush behind curtain AP

9/11: Our Yearly Reminder

On September 10, 2001, our leaders in Washington were happy to be debating things like Kennedy-Boehner education reform and McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform.

Ground Zero

Rainbow Shines Over WTC Day Before 9/11 Anniversary

On the day before the Sept. 11 anniversary, Ben Sturner stepped onto his balcony to see a rainbow emerging from the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. From his apartment in Long Island City, Queens, Sturner had a clear view of the phenomenon.

Twitter/Ben Sturner