Fox News’s Trey Yingst: Hamas Has Blatantly Lied to Me

Palestinian militants representing the armed wings of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistan
SAID KHATIB/AFP via Getty Images

Appearing Tuesday on Fox & Friends, Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst said Hamas officials have flat out lied to him when he has sought information from the Palestinian terror organization amid its ongoing war with Israel.

A partial transcript is as follows:

LAWRENCE JONES: How difficult is it to make that contact with Hamas? Because all the American people are wondering, “where are the Americans being released?”

TREY YINGST: It’s a great question because when we talk with Hamas officials, they become increasingly frustrated throughout the war as I continue to question them over the phone and over text messages about what they did on October 7th. They have gone as far as to blatantly lie when presented with evidence because they simply don’t want to tell the truth about what took place here. We’re able to make contact and get comment from them about this ongoing conflict. But in terms of the information they’re providing, we often will not actually bring to air what they are telling us because I can’t confirm it. A lot of times, they’re lying. And so we do reach out. We try to do our due diligence on these stories and get as many perspectives and angles as possible. But when you’re dealing with a terror organization, it’s very challenging to get them to tell the truth and to provide accurate information.


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