WH: Netanyahu ‘Divisive’ Election Statement Forcing Us to ‘Reassess’ Relationship

Friday at the White House press briefing, press secretary Josh Earnest repeatedly told reporters the Obama administration was not OK with the divisiveness of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s Election Day statement saying he did not think there would be a Palestinian state during his tenure.

Even though several reporters reminded Earnest that Netanyahu has since walked back the statement, he continued to harp on it, saying,  “You’ve also heard me raise significant concerns that we have here about some of the divisive election day political tactics that were deployed by the prime minister’s political party on election day. And you’ve also heard me raise concerns about the prime minister indicating withdrawal of his country’s commitments to a two-state solution.”

When CNN’s senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta pointed to President Barack Obama’s overreach in campaign statements  Earnest continued to say, without giving details,  that the Obama administration would now “reassess” its relationship with Israel based solely on Netanyahu election day statement.

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