Maddow: Trump’s Proposals Were To ‘Change the Behavior Of’ White Voters and Awaken ‘Racial Anxiety’


During MSNBC’s Election Night coverage, anchor Rachel Maddow argued that “a lot of the really ragged racial edge of what Donald Trump has proposed was designed to change the behavior of white people” and the far right has dreamed of “threatening minorities in a way that make[s] a lot of people uncomfortable but that does awaken something, basically in — that’s racial anxiety among whites.”

Maddow said, “I do feel like a lot of the really ragged racial edge of what Donald Trump has proposed was designed to change the behavior of white people, to tap into a type of white and enthusiasm among white voters that was going to obliterate he might otherwise need to get from people of color. … And that has always been the far right’s dream that you could figure out a way to do it without minorities, in fact you could figure out a way to do it on the backs of minorities, by threatening minorities in a way that make[s] a lot of people uncomfortable but that does awaken something, basically in — that’s racial anxiety among whites. And that’s how you win. That’s been a dream on the far right.”

(h/t Grabien)

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