Dershowitz: Dems ‘Prepared to Eliminate Civil Liberties’ to Get Trump – I’m Also Critical of GOP on This

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz stated, “Democrats and left-wingers obviously think President Trump is the devil, and they’re prepared to eliminate civil liberties.” He also criticized Republicans for their trying to expand criminal law and grounds for impeachment to go after the Clintons.

Dershowitz said, “Well, the way they go after our rights is first to go after political enemies, establish precedents on the basis of the political enemies, and then that precedent lies around like a loaded gun that can be used against anybody.”

Dershowitz then referenced the scene from “A Man for All Seasons” where two characters debate whether they would give the devil the benefit of the law and Sir Thomas More says he would give the devil the benefit of the law. Because without the law, the devil could turn and use the lack of laws against him. Dershowitz then stated, “Now, Democrats and left-wingers obviously think President Trump is the devil, and they’re prepared to eliminate civil liberties.”

He added, “You know, when I was a kid, they used to tell me, ‘You know, a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged’…and I would respond by saying, ‘Yeah, and a liberal is a conservative whose kid’s been busted for pot or who is being audited by the IRS.’ You’ve got to commit yourself to civil liberties without regard to which side is being attacked. And I have to tell you, I’m not only critical of the Democrats on this. I’m critical of Republicans who were yelling about Hillary Clinton, ‘Lock her up,’ trying to expand the criminal law to get her. When they tried to impeach Bill Clinton, that was a mistake. It’s always a mistake to expand the criminal law or the grounds for impeachment against your political enemies. Because it’s going to come back to bite you in the rear end.”

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