Hillary Clinton: Pallets Of Cash To Iran ‘Not A Tit for Tat’

Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insists that the latest revelations about pallets of cash, delivered to the Iranians on the same day as they released American hostages, are actually “old news.”

“I think actually this is kind of old news,” Clinton said in an interview with Colorado’s 9NEWS when she was asked about the Wall Street Journal report. “It was first reported about seven or eight months ago as I recall.”

Clinton assumed the same position as the Obama White House. She says that just because it was a pallet of cash and just because it was delivered to Iran on the same day as the hostage releases, does not mean it was a hostage payment. Since she was not in the Obama administration at the time, Clinton would only refer to what she had been told from the White House or read in the news.

“So far as I know, it had nothing to do with any kind of hostage swap or any other tit for tat,” Clinton said. “It was something that intended, as I am told, to pay back Iran for contracts that were canceled when the Shah fell.”

Clinton said she approved of the overall nuclear deal with Iran, arguing that it “put a lid” on the nuclear development in the country. She lumped in the cash payments to Iran in the overall deal.

“It’s all part of the same picture,” she said.


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