The Green Dog Not Barking in the NYT

So the New York Times is lifting the curtain — just slightly — on the bankruptcies of state that are inherently demanded by the European “social democratic model” also embraced by the Obama administration to this very hour. That’s the same administration that out, of the other side of its mouth, is pressing Europe to cut off the spigot of public debt to avoid going under and dragging us with it.


After all, Team Obama have a “fundamental transformation” to impose, can’t let it be overwhelmed with public curiosity about what caused things in the workers’ paradise to go so horribly wrong. Also, focusing on shoring up our own mess wouldn’t be conducive to imposing the rest of Obama’s agenda, beginning with the “green economy” which of course is all about “organizing society” and nothing about “climate” etc., as I detail here.

Oddly, nowhere in the Times’ piece do we see mention of “green” or “renewable” energy, an expensive and net job-killing boondoggle of a fetish imposing massive economic inefficiencies and redundancies at the cost of staggering debt and “skyrocketing” energy costs. It is precisely what is dragging Spain down at the moment, as even the Spanish socialists are now admitting.

Maybe that’s because Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid is looking to bring the debacle to a vote before the 4th of July recess, which would be followed by a conference on the House’ own cap-and-trade insult, then enactment as the law of the land. Hey now, don’t dream it’s over. Until they adjourn sine die, the Left knows this baby’s in play and are determined to cram the Power Grab down.

And of course, as with the rest of his statism, Obama himself has not let go one bit, but is pressing the gas harder and harder to lock in this system of wealth transfer and (more) enormous debt — which means taxes, when it doesn’t mean overwhelming the entire system…requiring more statists to jump in and save you, as the thinking goes — while he has the chance.

The votes on this begin as soon as this week, by the way, on Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s S. J. Res. 26 to disapprove EPA’s finding that carbon dioxide “endangers” human health and the environment. Really. Stop it there, this week, and the tide could turn. Fail, and I will be the first to admit that the Left just might get this done.


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