Sign at Private School in Arkansas: 'Staff Is Armed and Trained'

Sign at Private School in Arkansas: 'Staff Is Armed and Trained'

Arkansas Christian Academy in Bryant, AR has signs around its campus that read, “Staff is armed and trained. Any attempt to harm children will be met with deadly force.”

The school is “affiliated” with Family Church, where Pastor Perry Black says they decided “to employ the same stance against violence that [the] church does on Sundays.”

According to, Black said: “I just felt like what was going on in many of the public sectors where there seems to be a lot of shootings [required that the staff and I] take the same stance that we do in church on Sunday for our kids Monday through Friday.”

Black kept the precise number of persons who will be armed close to his vest. He would only reveal that between one and seven staff members will be armed in the school five days a week. 

Arkansas GOP gubernatorial candidate Curtis Coleman praised Black’s decision, saying: “I admire the school’s administrator, Perry Black, for recognizing that every moment counts when a gun-toting criminal intent on taking innocent lives is on campus.”

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