Progressive Pundit Walks Off Fox Set When Called Out for Fearmongering

Simon Rosenberg, of the Progressive “think tank”, NDN, went on Fox to parrot Democrat talking points regarding the budget and plans to reform Medicare. Unfortunately for Simon, the other guest on the show, radio host Ben Ferguson, wasn’t having any of it. Watch the money clip.

It seems Rosenberg is more comfortable at places like MSNBC where the host would attack the conservative, in this case Ferguson, instead of trying to calmly moderate the debate like the Fox host did.

Rosenberg was fearmongering. He was also lying. The only budget proposal the President has presented to Congress completely ignored the Simpson / Bowles Commission Rosenberg referenced in the video. That budget proposal was also soundly rejected by a vote of 0-97 in the Senate. Ferguson was right to point out that Democrats have decided to forgo offering any solution to the looming debt and deficit crisis and have opted to just attack – with fearmongering and lies – the Republicans who are offering realistic solutions.

Confronted with irrefutable facts, Simon decided to cry about not being able to be heard and walked off the set. Way to go, Ben!

So who is Simon Rosenberg, you ask? Good question. Notice how annoyed he was at the reference to the recent video by the Agenda Project which depicted an old lady in a wheelchair being thrown off a cliff by someone who looks very much like Paul Ryan. The Agenda Project is run by Erica Payne. Simon and Erica were both key members of the Democracy Alliance which gave birth to places like Media Matters and the Center for American Progress. (Source BigGovernment) That’s right. These so-called pundits and think tank “scholars” owe their jobs to rich progressives like George Soros.

Funny how all these talking heads can be traced back to a handful of Progressive organizations. Why is that?


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