Edward Azlant

Articles by Edward Azlant

Critics' Favorite 80's Film: 'Raging Bull'

While you youngsters picture the 1980’s as that glorious feast of spectacular action/adventure blockbusters that it was, it’s worth noting that when the critics eventually voted on the best film of the decade, they chose one made back in 1980,

Orville Schell and the Elite/Maoist/PBS/Environmental/J-School Mentality

Recently Orville Schell, dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley from 1996 to 2008 and prolific journalist/author, mourned “the cascading effects of the slow-motion downsizing of one of the planet’s most magnificent landforms,” the Himalayan glaciers. In

David Brooks' Sentimental Education: Bruce Springsteen

In a recent New York Times column, David Brooks described a 1975 Bruce Springsteen concert as the start of his “other education,” not the intellectual one from schooling but the “emotional education” from the popular culture. Brooks is a superstar

'Slumdog Millionaire': A Leftist View of a Globalized World

Well after its phenomenal success of eight Oscars, four Golden Globes, seven BAFTA’s, and $350 million at the boxoffice, “Slumdog Millionaire” has managed to stay alive. As much an amazing longshot victor as its hero, an urchin from the Mumbai