Rasmussen: Only 32% of Americans Think More Gun Laws Needed

Rasmussen: Only 32% of Americans Think More Gun Laws Needed

According to a recent Rasmussen gun control poll, only 32% of Americans believe newer, stricter gun control laws will reduce violence, while 57% believe enforcement of current laws is the answer.

This means a third of Americans agree with Obama’s approach to ending gun violence while nearly two-thirds agree with the NRA. 

The NRA is out there reminding the American people that we already have 9,000 gun laws on the books, yet very few of them are being enforced. 

Other questions in the Rasmussen poll revealed that 74% of Americans believe they have a constitutional right to own a gun, and 65% of respondents believe private gun ownership is a protection against tyranny. 

None of these numbers represent good news for Democrats, who are currently pushing every gun control measure imaginable.


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