Michigan Democrat Caught Playing Candy Crush During President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Speech

A Democratic congresswoman was caught playing Candy Crush on her smartphone during Preside
Getty Images

A Michigan Democrat was caught in a photograph sitting in the Capital playing the cell phone-based game “Candy Crush” as President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union speech only feet away.

The photo shows Michigan Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence playing the game on her cell phone as she sat among the rest of the Black Congressional Caucus during the SOTU speech on Wednesday evening, the Hill reported.

A closer look at the image shows that the time it was snapped was at 9:42 p.m., just around a third of the way into the president’s speech. That was around the time Trump was talking about his goals for international trade.

Sitting next to Lawrence are Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) and Joyce Beatty (D-OH). While Lawrence was playing the game, her two colleagues were more concerned with their duties connected to the speech. Coleman, for one, was reading tweets about the president’s speech while Beatty was reviewing the text of a press release she was preparing to release about the speech.

The photo, first published by the British tabloid Daily Mail, appears to have been taken by a Getty Images photographer sitting in the gallery.

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