Obama Parable?: Brownshirt Lizards Return in 'V'

This is my first “coming out” article as a conservative and Christian because Hollywood is taking its last breath before dying and I don’t really have much to lose. I’m a director, but made a good living for about seven years compositing visual effects. That is, until I was blacklisted for objecting to anti-Christian and anti-American propaganda that I was forced to listen to 8 hours a day by 90% of the people around me. But that’s a story for a different time.

Today, I’m writing to comment on “V,” as I’m sure many viewers missed the parallels of the questions raised in the show regarding our own politics today.


Hollywood script-writing 101 classes tell writers, “If you want to write a good script, write what you know.” Kenneth Johnson, creator of the original “V” series and story writer of the resurrected version, apparently knows his history. For disclosure purposes, I have met him and visited his home many years ago, but don’t know really much about him other than he has a good grasp on good and evil and human, albeit lizard, nature. (Possible political jab that the Left is slimy … even though lizards are not?)

What completely blows my mind is that all these comic book and sci-fi loving fans embrace and cheer for the underground rebels and immediately suspect the Visitors as wolves in sheep’s clothing (or lizards, in this case). So why is it so impossible for these same fans to see who the real-life lizards are? The aliens arrive and we don’t know anything about them other than they all look like celebrities too old for the CW Network, and they come offering hope and in the shows own words: “universal health care.” No, President Obama, nor Harry Reid, nor Nancy Pelosi didn’t arrive in a spaceship (or did they… hmmm?). No, they came with years of very questionable history behind them that anyone not rushing to embrace the empty promise of “hope” and “change” would immediately see.

The answer starts with our school systems, whether elementary or college. We’ve let these institutions use our tax money to brainwash our kids. 25 years ago, I had an English teacher who loved to push one existential piece-of-crap book on us after another, promoting the idea of hopelessness and that there’s no God. I’d had that same teacher for Political History and he loved to go on and on about “the moronic Jesus Freaks” and how staging war protests were the answer to world peace.

The single most important thing I ever learned in school was what was not part of the curriculum. I had a very jovial teacher that taught a German class. He was from Germany, complete with a big um-pa-pa mustache. He was fun loving until you crossed behind him – then he would absolutely freak out. You see, once upon a time, there was this other real life charismatic leader. He offered hope, unity, plans to rebuild and strengthen his nation and even promised to eradicate disease and sickness. The people loved him. His rise to power seemed effortless. But behind the scenes, everyone who didn’t jump in line to support his agenda were systematically murdered… news reporters, police chiefs, etc. Those committing the murder became known as Brownshirts by the unmarked uniforms they wore. Then once the movement was well underway and excitement ran high, they enlisted the youth. Actual uniforms were handed out and they were brainwashed by the promises of a better world and that they would be the ushers into that new world, by being the eyes and ears of Der Fuhrer. My teacher was literally stabbed in the back BY HIS BEST FRIEND, because he would not join the Nazi Hitler Youth.

Enter stage right; sexy blond Visitor girl who charms (manipulates) an FBI agent’s son into doing the same for V’s Fuhrer, leader Anna. Perhaps mom will suffer the same fate in the show as my teacher did and take a dagger in the torso when she’s not looking. After all, she is working for what my former co-workers called, “the most corrupt and evil nation on the planet – America.” But hey, apparently I’ve been brainwashed because they give out Peace Prizes to great men like terrorist Yasser Arafat and President Obama and I’m stupid for asking why.

The one plot line in “V” that didn’t seem to mirror present American society was about a newscaster chosen by the alien leader Anna, to be the Charlie Gibson of news reporting … the one fortunate enough to be the sole interviewer of the Visitor Commander in Chief. Seconds away from the live broadcast of an interview, Anna informs him that he will only be allowed to ask questions that portray the aliens in a positive light, otherwise she’ll immediately cancel the interview and find another stooge. He’s caught off balance but agrees to her terms. Now, forgive me, but was he from Fox News? If so, why didn’t Anna choose a sympathizer already getting “getting chills” up his leg, someone in line with the other 96% of the mainstream news media? They already pitch softball questions to charismatic and treacherous leaders, right? Well, truthfully, it had to be written this way in order for a character reveal to happen and thus heighten the suspense. But in real life we could do without the heightened suspense of these kinds of charismatic leaders, thank you very much.

But rest assure America, truth is stranger than fiction. Leader Anna, uh, I mean President Obama, may not be trying to beam you up to the Mother Ship as a food supply, but his good intentions are just as likely paving the road to destruction as any other extreme Leftist of history. He… they have seized control of your banks, your auto manufacturing, your Internet. They will soon force you into a government-run medical system while heaping HUGE debts on you in the form of taxes for that and for failed job stimulus programs. Meanwhile their judges overturn your votes and yet … you still are asleep at the wheel?

What will be the final straw?

I remember the other red “V” controversy coming from Hollywood a few years back. It was the movie “V for Vendetta” and everyone including conservative talk-show host Michael Medved took issue with blowing up the English parliament. People, use what is inside your skulls. It was a building formerly occupied by representatives of the people who later voted in Leftist oppressors that incrementally eliminated freedom to the point where they controlled everything and there was no means to vote them out. Is it impossible for you democratic voters to learn anything? I am not suggesting that we go out and start blowing up things, but frankly if we did, could we too get college tenure like Bill Ayers, who couldn’t get Obama’s shared ideals pushed on America quick enough? Is it any wonder after 10 months in office you’ve so quickly lost so many freedoms to these power-hungry hyenas? Are you just going to stand by as they attempt to ram through a nearly 2000 page bill that will take over 1/6th of the American economy, at the same time preventing anyone from being able to take the time and examine it?

Well, now I’ve gone and done it. I’m sure the IRS will suddenly feel the need to audit me for the next 4 years. At least for now I can rest in the assurance I won’t get water-boarded like three others who faced a few minutes of so-called torture.

But the jokes on you politicians. Your tax increases put the nails in the coffin of the economy and no matter how much tax you want me to pay, I won’t be able to.

Over and out from Hollywood.


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