Box Office Predictions: 'Twilight' Fights off 'Muppets' for a Second Week

Last week saw Sensei correctly predicted a “Twilight” win while many went with “Muppets” for the top spot. This week the two return to face one another again.

This weekend’s predictions and revenue results go as follows:

1. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part One ($15.6 million) – Again the film will drop in line with previous “Twilight” entries. With no new major new releases to challenge it, we predict this one pulls out another top finish.

[youtube ta-wRZCynfk nolink]

2. The Muppets ($14.5 million) – The film is dropping behind a “Smurfs” and “Tangled”-like box office pace. It’s instead looking at more of standard drop for family friendly fare. Also take into account that weather is starting to get more frigid around the country. This will affect “The Muppets”‘ audience more as families tend to stay indoors to remain comfortable in large groups. “Twilight,” on the other hand, still draws smaller and more individual moviegoers to its side. Still, the numbers will be close, and this one could pull a weekend win if “Twilight” falters.

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3. Hugo ($9 million) – Word of mouth is very strong on this one. The film also has shown the ability to draw in older audiences as well as younger ones. This successful draw, along with the addition of more theaters, will help it rise considerably this weekend.

[youtube hR-kP-olcpM nolink]

4. Arthur Christmas ($6.9 million) – The film did not take full advantage of its holiday themes last week with its November release. With “Muppets” and the rising “Hugo” pulling away family audiences, “Arthur” will settle for just posting a respectable number in its second weekend.

[youtube vxcz1XIKUmo nolink]

5. Immortals ($5.8 million) – With “Happy Feet Two” crashing beyond belief, this one has fully fixed itself on an “Expendables”-like box office pattern. The film has been set up strong with action audiences for a while and looks to jump back into the top five. This call will surprise quite a few people, in typical Sensei fashion. Watch out for ” The Descendants,” though, which could finish here if it finds its audience.

[youtube 7VdONYkKFmQ nolink]

That’s how Sensei sees the weekend, but what about you?


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