Breitbart: It's Not About Shirley Sherrod; It's About NAACP Attacking Tea Party

Yesterday Andrew Breitbart appeared on Hannity and CNN’s John King USA to discuss NAACP racism and the firing of Shirley Sherrod:


[youtube u-zLJgf6hh8 nolink]

Breitbart’s argument is simple and straightforward: Regardless of what else is in Sherrod’s speech, the first video released on features Sherrod telling a tale of racism that is received by the NAACP audience with laughter and cheers. They weren’t cheering redemption; they were cheering discrimination. Upon hearing the cheers, Sherrod fails to offer any immediate clarification and even smiles right along with them.

Breitbart’s main objective by releasing the video was to call out the NAACP, an organization who has recently gone to great lengths to condemn the Tea Party’s alleged racism, for sanctioning racism in it’s own organization. Sherrod immediately became the scapegoat for the embarrassed NAACP and USDA, but she was never the target, the NAACP itself was, and the delight the audience took in the racist part of Sherrod’s speech leaves them exposed.

Sherrod’s firing is on the NAACP, who had the entire tape and apparently never bothered to scrutinize it until Sherrod had already been relieved of her duties… It’s on the NAACP and the Obama Administration, of course.

Exemplified with today’s revelations into the JournoList and reinforced with the quote Breitbart read on Hannity, it’s been confirmed that the left conspires to label the right “racist” in order to distract from reasonable objections to Democratic candidates and ideas. In the 2008 election, it was Obama’s association with Reverend Wright. Today, it’s staggering unemployment figures. Breitbart has identified that tactic, and like he did with the ACORN video exposé, he’s used the left’s playbook against them.

Yet the mainstream media, who would not cover the bogus racism charge by the Congressional Black Caucus proven false at, is jumping at the chance to come after Breitbart (who never as much as called for Sherrod to be fired). The most egregious example thus far is from the San Francisco Chronicle who practically begs the Department of Justice to bring a lawsuit against Breitbart. Campbell Brown, however, and to her great credit, challenged the NAACP Vice President on her show, at one point telling him, “you allowed yourselves to be snookered.”

We’ll try to call to your attention to some of the many news sources that were negligent on covering the Congressional Black Caucus’s “N-word” lie but are pouring major resources into this story.


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