Frank Gaffney: Jeh Johnson — Secretary of Homeland Insecurity

Joshua Lott/Getty Images

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is big on outreach to Muslims. Unfortunately, like so many others in government, he insists on reaching out to the wrong ones.

Take, for example, his decision to address the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) last Sunday, on the eve of the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.   To be sure, there were a lot of Muslims in the audience. But, federal authorities have been on notice since at least 2004 that ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood front organization and that the Brotherhood is our enemy.

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In fact, in 2008, the Department of Justice used the Brothers’ own declaration of that fact – a 1991 document known as The Explanatory Memorandum – to prosecute and convict five jihadist fundraisers doing business as a Muslim charity, the Holy Land Foundation. Hundreds of other Islamic supremacists, including ISNA, were identified as unindicted co-conspirators in the course of that trial and could, and should, have been prosecuted for their involvement in what the Memorandum described as “civilization jihad” aimed at “destroying Western civilization from within.”

In other words, as DHS spokesman Neema Hakim made clear to’s Paul Sperry, Secretary Johnson consciously decided to engage this organization. He did so even though it was known to be involved in what might be best described as a pre-violent form of jihad (not to be confused with the peaceable practice of Islam) in our midst. ISNA and its fellow Brotherhood fronts are subverting us here in America from within — as they have for the past 50-plus years, and now they have the explicit Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval from no less a figure than the U.S. Homeland Security Secretary.

The practical effect of conferring such legitimacy – as Secretary Johnson and, other officials, including notably Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have serially done by meeting and treating with the Brotherhood’s operatives – not only legitimates them. It emboldens and enables them.

Worse still, under both the Bush and Obama administrations the practical upshot of such “outreach” has been to allow the Muslim Brotherhood “inside the wire.” A number of its operatives and/or agents of influence have been allowed access to policy-making circles and institutions, often including the chance to influence – if not, actually, to dictate – what we can see, think, know, say and do about the global jihad movement. (For detailed examinations of this syndrome, see Andrew McCarthy’s The Grand Jihad, Stephen Coughlin’s Catastrophic Failure, Paul Sperry’s Infiltrationand the book I recently co-authored with Clare Lopez, See No Sharia). This must stop before it gets more of us killed.

In a letter sent yesterday to Secretary Johnson, three influential Congressmen – Reps. Steve King, Louie Gohmert and Randy Weber – forcefully condemned his associating with ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups and operatives. They called upon him, as the nation’s top official with direct responsibility for protecting the homeland to stop consorting with such enemies. I would go further: Secretary Johnson should either recant or resign.

But, the truth of the matter is that Jeh Johnson is just one manifestation of the systemic problem we confront at the hands of the enemy within. Consequently, DHS and the rest of the government – at all levels – must stop doing business with the Muslim Brotherhood.

We must reverse the purge of official trainers and training materials undertaken in 2011-2012 at the insistence of Brotherhood influence operators that has inculcated throughout our first lines of defense a dangerous willful blindness.  And the Muslim Brotherhood should be designated as a global terrorist organization and its infrastructure and operatives in this country rolled up.


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