Conservative Action Project

Exclusive: Conservatives Unite Against H.R. 1, ‘Ultimate Fantasy of the Left’

Over 100 conservative leaders nationwide released a “Memo to the Movement” from the Conservative Action Project on Monday, declaring that they are opposed to the Democrats’ kick-off legislation H.R. 1, which would profoundly shift elections toward liberal candidates and open the door to rampant voter fraud, calling Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bill “the ultimate fantasy of the left.”

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, speaks during a press conference at Democratic N

Conservative Leaders Stand with Scott Pruitt

Over a hundred conservative leaders issued a movement-wide statement on Friday, which begins, “Conservatives stand behind Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and thank him for the significant actions he has taken to implement President Trump’s deregulatory agenda.”

Scott Pruitt