Epstein at Masters of the Universe Town Hall: Everything that Goes Through Gmail Is Monitored by Google

The Panel

At the Breitbart News “Masters of the Universe” town hall event on big tech on Thursday evening, psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein explained how Google reads everything that goes through Gmail — including deleted drafts and incoming emails from non-Google email clients. He also explained how Google has access to the email servers of multiple mainstream media outlets — but not Breitbart’s!

“All gmails, outgoing, the ones you write, and incoming — no matter what email service they’re coming from — they are all recorded, analyzed, every detail is put into your personal profile.”

“Even those gmails that you type, and we’ve all done this — you type it and you go ‘Oh no, I can’t send this, that’s insane, I’m not gonna send this’ and you hit delete — that’s already been recorded! That’s part of your profile.”

“This gets worse. This might be the scariest thing I can tell you this evening. I work a lot with reporters … I do what’s called ‘expanding the headers,’ which means that when I get emails from editors at TIME magazine, the New York Times, the Guardian, I want to see what computers those emails have run through. Guess what?”

“These big news companies all use Google to run their email system! All those emails are running through Google servers. Google has full access — I’m talking about some of the top journalists in the world, who are investigating Google — they’re sharing all of their communications, all of their work products, all of the drafts — they’re sharing it all with Google!”

“I don’t know any major media source, except maybe — believe it or not — Breitbart that doesn’t run [emails through Google servers].”

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. You can follow him on TwitterGab.ai and add him on Facebook. Email tips and suggestions to allumbokhari@protonmail.com.


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