Milbank: Tea Party 'Spreading Like Ebola in West Africa'

Milbank: Tea Party 'Spreading Like Ebola in West Africa'

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank declared that the Tea Party is “spreading like Ebola in West Africa” on Wednesday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.”

Ingraham and Milbank joked about earlier comments by Milbank regarding the Tea Party “virus” still existing in the GOP, and he said that the virus is “spreading like Ebola in West Africa,” and that conservatives were “entitled to gloat.”

He did argue that the electorate favored some liberal policies like legalized abortion, same-sex marriage, and comprehensive immigration reform, adding that the GOP has “problems for all kinds of demographic reasons.”  He did say that Democrats “took it on the chin,” although he stated that the electorate was “blaming everybody fairly equally” for dysfunction in Washington.

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