Coulter: GOP Gave Dems Votes for Cheap Labor on Exec Amnesty

Columnist and author of “Never Trust a Liberal Over 3-Especially a Republican,” Ann Coulter said that on the president’s executive action on immigration, “the Democrats want it for the votes, the Republican businesses want it for the cheap labor” on Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”

“If you don’t like what the Obama administration’s doing or how he’s treating Netanyahu, or Obamacare, or you don’t want Hillary Clinton to be the next president, well the Democrats just got 30 million new voters. They will be voting by the time Obama is out of office” she stated.

Coulter continued, “the Democrats want it for the votes, the Republican businesses want it for the cheap labor.” And “Republicans can never win an election” if illegal immigration isn’t controlled.

She further criticized Republicans for passing a DHS funding bill and not blaming Democrats for filibustering funding, or pointing out that most of DHS’ staff is considered essential personnel and would still go in to work.

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