Dem Rep Schiff: Trump ‘Claims Vindication Anytime Someone Sneezes’

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said the 13 indictments of Russian nationals and three Russian organizations for interfering in the 2016 election does not clear President Trump campaign of collusion with Russia.

Partial transcript as follows: 

BASH:  I’m sure you saw the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein make clear on Friday that the indictment does not allege, quote, any American was knowing — a knowing participant in this illegal activity. President Trump tweeted that his campaign, quote, did nothing wrong, no collusion. Congressman, you’ve seen the intelligence, do you think that this indictment suggests that it’s a case closed, no collusion?

SCHIFF: No, of course not, but this is a president who claims vindication anytime someone sneezes. What this indictment sets out is information about only one element of the Russia active measures campaign that involving their use of social media to influence attitudes, to motivate people to protest, to essentially infiltrate our political system through the cybersphere. It doesn’t contain any of the allegations that are really most known to the public, and that is, the Russian hacking into the Democratic institutions, the Russian publishing of stolen information. Now on that, the Trump campaign and Trump himself was very witting of what was going on. Indeed the whole country was when on October 7 the intelligence community told the country the Russians are behind this, they’re behind the hacking and the dumping, but nonetheless the campaign continued to use those products of that element of the Russian campaign.

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