Brooks: Trump Administration ‘Going down to C and D’ Levels of Staffing

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that the Trump administration is getting into “C and D” level staffers and cited Larry Kudlow and John Bolton as examples.

Brooks said, “[W]hat worries me is, they never had really access to the Republican A-level staff, but they had the B-level. And now, we’re going down to C and D. Larry Kudlow, the new economic appointee, very nice guy, I agree with him on a lot of things. But Philip Tetlock, who’s a scholar who studies decision-making, several years ago, identified Kudlow as one of the worst decision-makers. Because he’s always driven by ideology. John Bolton is talked about coming in to [be] the national security adviser. That’s a job where you want somebody neutral to let the process work its way. John Bolton, who is a Fox News analyst, is anything but neutral on anything. And so, what you just see is worse personnel, more chaos.”

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