Barack Obama: We Need to ‘Rebuild the Institutions’ that Make Diversity Possible

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - DECEMBER 05: Former President Barack Obama addresses the Obama Foundat
Scott Olson/Getty

President-elect Donald Trump’s comprehensive 2024 election victory has forced President Barack Obama to retreat from his lifetime support for woke diversity politics, which he calls “pluralism.”

“We are not born with the muscles to make pluralism [amid diversity] a habit, it takes practice, and we need to rebuild the institutions that can give us that practice,” he told his invited audience in his adopted hometown of Chicago on December 5.

His speech was a humiliating admission of his fundamental ideological defeat by the former TV host from Mar-a-Lago.

In August, Obama had used the Democrats’ national convention to declare that the pending election was all about fundamentally transforming American citizens’ homeland into a territory for immigrant ethnic and identity subgroups across the globe:

“No nation, no society has ever tried to build a democracy as big and as diverse as ours before, one that includes people that, over decades, have come from every corner of the globe,” he said from the convention stage built for Kamala Harris. “The rest of the world is watching to see if we can pull this off,” Obama declared.

But Obama’s Democrats did not pull it off on election day. Instead, they were outmaneuvered by Trump’s exploitation of the political divides created by the Democrats’ divide-and-rule diversity politics.

For example, many Muslims imported by Obama voted for Trump because they disliked the Democrats’ close alliance with Israel during the Gaza war.

Many feminist women voted for Trump because of the Democrats’ favoritism towards the new transgender ideology.

Many black and Latino Democrats voted for Trump because their wages flatlined amid the Democrats’ mass migration policies.

Donors refused to moderate their mass migration policy or let Kamala Harris promise a reduction.

Democrats did not run a post-Biden, fast-track convention process to pick the best candidate because black women would have walked out if the party dropped Harris.

In contrast, Trump ran a national solidarity campaign — Make American Great Again — that summoned a coalition of rich and poor, white and non-white, north and south. “It’s all about the American Dream,” he declared.

Obama tried to excuse the pocketbook damage and elite distractions caused by his diversity politics since the late 1990s.

RELATED — “I’m Sorry, Gentlemen”: Obama Shames Men for Their Support of Trump

“It is true that in the [non-diverse] decades right after World War II, our democracy seemed to run relatively smoothly, with frequent cooperation across party lines and what felt like a broad consensus about how interests were shared and differences should be settled,” he said.

Those non-diverse decades were aided by a good economy but they came apart as society grew more diverse, Obama said. “Historically marginalized groups — Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans; women and gays and lesbians; and disabled Americans — demanded a seat at the table,” he said, without admitting how his Democrats worked hard to impose diversity via immigration, regulations, laws, and culture.

Obama tried to demean Trump’s win by portraying Trump’s voters as anti-democratic, and portrayed Harris’ Democrats as demoralized:

At this moment in history — when core democratic principles seem to be continuously under attack, when too many people … have become cynical and disengaged — now is precisely the time to ask ourselves tough questions about how we can build our democracies and make them work in meaningful and practical ways for ordinary people.

But Obama also admitted the scale of his defeat by urging his corps of woke, unforgiving, secular progressives to learn from Christian churches:

They’re trying to create a big tent where lots of different people can feel comfortable. Once that happens, then they can have a deeper conversation about faith in a way that folks aren’t spooked by. What megachurches are doing is also a good argument for localism.

In a Christian-themed message to his woke supporters, he urged forgiveness, saying: “Each of us has to show a level of forbearance towards those who don’t look or think ..  like us.”

“That’s hard …. even in relatively homogeneous [non-diverse] countries, it’s hard,” he said.

Identity politics — and wokism — “creates a presumption that our identities are all singular and static,” he said, adding:

Because you’re a male you automatically have certain attitudes and let’s face it, you’re a part of the patriarchy … We have to try to frame issues in ways that at least consider the possibility of a win/win situation, rather than a zero-sum situation … We have to acknowledge that we all have multiple identities. I’m a 63-year-old African American man, for example, but I’m also a husband, I am a father, and a Christian who is constantly wrestling with doubts about organized religion. I am a writer, I’m a Bears fan.

Democrats face a long struggle to escape woke politics, he said. “Learning to trust each other again, that’s a generational project [emphasis added],” he said.

Curiously, Obama’s speech downplayed his heritage as the child of a white mother, and his conference guestlist sidelined mainstream Americans.

RELATED: Still Salty! Obama Rants Kamala Worked at McDonald’s, “Wasn’t Born into Privilege”

The political confessions and admissions are a humiliation for Obama, who has championed diversify-and-rule pluralism since the early 2000s.

In his 2006 autobiography, he wrote:

As a young organizer, I often worked with Latino leaders on issues that affected both black and brown residents, from failing schools to illegal dumping to unimmunized children … In my mind, at least, the fates of black and brown were to be perpetually intertwined, the cornerstone of a coalition that could help America live up to its promise.

His White House website boasted “Our nation derives strength from the diversity of its population and from its commitment to equal opportunity for all. That’s why we’ve made diversity and inclusion a top priority.”

In the Oval Office, Obama repeatedly invoked “pluralism” to justify more diversity through migration, including migration from countries where Islam has ruled for almost 1,000 years. In 2016, for example, he declared:

If we were to turn refugees away simply because of their background or religion, or, for example, because they are Muslim, then we would be reinforcing terrorist propaganda that nations like my own are somehow opposed to Islam, which is an ugly lie that must be rejected in all of our countries by upholding the values of pluralism and diversity.

Obama’s diversity strategy created Trump, and Biden’s amped-up replay re-invited Trump back into the Oval Office.

Trump now returns with a broad coalition that includes pro-migration investors and anti-migration employees, billionaires and school dropouts, would-be-space explorers, and social conservatives.

“The great test that awaits the second Trump administration is making these visions work together,” wrote Ross Douthas, a centrist writer at the New York Times.  “The more they end up in conflict, the more likely it becomes that Trump 2.0 will fail.”


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