President Obama: Is this the 'Private Sector…Doing Fine?'

President Obama: Is this the 'Private Sector…Doing Fine?'

President Barack Obama incessantly touts the alleged “success” of the $50 billion General Motors (GM) bailout, evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

General Motors – The Government’s Warped Definition of ‘Success’

Much like the Obama Economy, General Motors’ numbers are tanking.  Earlier this week we had:

GM’s 2012 Sales Growth Only 2.5%

Outstanding.  And the failures continue to abound.

General Motors 3Q Profit Falls 14 Pct (from 3Q 2011)

Sound familiar?

2011 US GDP growth: 2.0%.

2012 US GDP growth (thus far): 1.77%.

Two percent is pathetic,  and the Obama Economy can’t manage to match it this year.

Are things now looking up for the economy?

Economic Outlook for 2012 Even Worse Than We Thought

Things are looking worse for the U.S. economy than even three months ago. 

Apparently not.  How about for General Motors?

General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy — Again


This all-things-failing-equally can’t be what President Obama has in mind, right?

Government Motors is What Obama Wants to Do to ‘Every Industry’

More than 23 million people are jobless or underemployed under Obama.

Report: Negative job growth under Obama

1,035,000 Construction Jobs Lost Under Obama

Tech (sector) layoffs hit 3-year high in first half of 2012; 260% more than first half 2011.

Obama closes more than 2,000 car dealerships; more than 100,000 let go

111 coal plants – more than 20% of US total – closed under Obama; more than 120,000 jobs lost

Government-land oil and gas drill permits down 36% under Obama.

Food stamp recipient number rises from 32 million to 47 million under Obama.

Record 5.4 million join (Social Security) disability rolls under Obama.

Welfare spending jumps 32% during Obama’s presidency

Health care premiums rise $2,370 per family under Obama.

Gasoline prices double under Obama.

Obama: “The Private Sector Is Doing Fine”

Apparently it is what President Obama has in mind.


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