Labor Union Report - Page 3

Articles by Labor Union Report

No Wonder WI Teachers Have Been Protesting So Hard…

If you’ve noticed over the last few days, the protests in Madison have gotten smaller. They’ve actually shrunk in size. Despite a visit from Fidel Castro Michael Moore over the weekend, the three-week old protests have just sort of begun

BREAKING: Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) Introduces Amendment to Defund Union-Controlled NLRB

As the union-controlled National Labor Relations Board continues its job-killing push to unionize America’s workplace–including deciding whether to break-up and unionize company employees by classification–Republican Congressman Tom Price (GA) has introduced an amendment to completely defund the NLRB through the

Giving Union Members a Choice: How to Get Union Dues Refunds

Last summer, unions spent an estimated $10 million on the Democratic primary in Arkansas in a failed attempt to defeat then-Senator Blanche Lincoln. It was $10 million worth of their members’ dues that was wasted. Unions did not waste their

GOP Introduces Secret Ballot Protection Act

There was BIG news in Washington yesterday: Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), have introduced the Secret Ballot Protection Act. Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) introduced the Secret Ballot Protection Act (SBPA), legislation that will guarantee

Union Membership and America's Looming Fiscal Crisis

As America begins to truly understand that having too much fat in one’s diet can lead to a heart attack, three interconnected stories* appeared in the last 24 hours that deserve some attention. The first is that, every January, the

The UAW and Unionization by Ultimatum

With the United Auto Workers’ membership at a third of its former size, and the job-destroying card-check bill (the misleadingly-named Employee Free Choice Act) dead for now, UAW President Bob King and the rest of his Detroit henchmen have had

Rep. John Kline and the Secret Ballot Protection Act

Congressman John Kline [R-MN] has been one of the House of Representatives’ most vocal opponent of SEIU’s labor board appointee, Craig Becker, as well as a vocal defender of workers’ right to choose by secret-ballot whether or not to become

New NLRB Decision Legitimizes Unions' Race to the Bottom

They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If that is true, then every non-union worker and legitimate union agent has great cause to be concerned. You see, the union-controlled National Labor Relations Board just paved

EXPOSED! America's Democracy Traded Away for a Slice of Pizza!

It is hard to believe that, when America’s founding fathers established our democratic republic, they could have envisioned it could be so easily manipulated and corrupted so cheaply. However, to Democrats and their union handlers, the ends apparently do justify

CWA Union Boss Says Tea Party Advocates 'Slavery'

Just when you thought the left-wing race baiting over the last year couldn’t get any worse, the Communications Workers of America chief honcho Larry Cohen has sunk to new depths attacking those who do not agree with his socialist agenda.

ObamaCare: Union Members Are Paying the Price

By now, most Americans know how hard union bosses pushed, tugged, bullied and threatened, using tens of millions of their members’ money on advertising and lobbying, all to get health care reform passed. Most Americans also remember (though many did

BREAKING: Democrat Introduces Legislation to End Right-to-Work States

Back in June, we reported that California Congressman Brad Sherman (D) was circulating a letter to his fellow Democrats to introduce legislation to repeal “Right-to-Work” laws in 22 states. Now, with less than a month before the mid-term elections and

How to Win the War on Drugs: Unionize the Pot Industry

When Nancy Reagan launched her “Just Say No to Drugs” campaign in the early 1980s, Bill Clinton may (or may not) have still been inhaling, while Barack Obama almost certainly was. Nevertheless, politicians in the 1980s might not have known

Teamsters Win 2010 'Most Decertified Union' Award

With their pension plans about ready to implode (no wonder they’re clamoring for a union pension bailout), a union boss who was just dumped by his top running mate, and with hundreds of members out on strike, the International Brotherhood

Why Democrats are Pushing the $165 Billion Union Pension Bailout

Somewhere lurking in the hot, putrid halls of Congress this summer is a union bailout bill of epic proportions and long-term ramifications. Whether or not Democrats can ultimately push it (or something like it) into passage is yet to be

Context Is Everything. NAACP's Jealous 'Snookered' Himself

Context is everything. As the Left (including the NAACP) has tried to brand the Tea Party movement as ‘racists’ over the last year, they’ve engaged in racial politics at their worst using the tactics of Saul Alinsky to try to

Striking Longshoremen Threaten Already Fragile Economy

On the heels of an abysmal unemployment report, striking clerical workers at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (CA) are threatening to put an even bigger damper on the nation’s already-sagging economy. When members of the International Longshore

Did the SEIU-controlled NLRB Blackmail Company Owner?

Upon an initial read, a company owner’s actions that are described in this Newsday article appear to be way over the top… The National Labor Relations Board required that Matrix Realty Group post this notice in its Danbury, Conn. complex:

The SEIU Smoking Gun: Did Obama lie about Blago seat?

We’ve theorized previously that there may be a smoking gun tying the connection between President Obama and ousted-Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich: That smoking gun being the Service Employees International Union. Well, the smell of gunpowder is filling the Illinois courtroom