Time to Unite Against McCaskill

Time to Unite Against McCaskill

Embattled Missouri Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin announced in a press conference late Friday afternoon that he will remain in the Senate race despite calls from some Republican leaders and conservative commentators that he step down. 

Akin recently caused a controversy when he botched remarks that were meant to assert that abortion, even in the case of rape, still kills the life of an unborn child. His inappropriate comments about “legitimate rape” were immediately seized upon and even celebrated by many Democrats as a sign of proof that Akin and other Republicans were engaged in a “war against women.”

Akin’s comments were particularly painful to Republicans, as his opponent, incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill (D), was viewed as unpopular and likely to lose her seat, primarily because of her support for President Obama and his signature health care law. Senate Republicans eyed a relatively easy win in Missouri to help them take the Senate in November and, finally, repeal Obamacare.

The process of achieving important goals is rarely easy. There are always trials, and this has been a big one. However, it is not an insurmountable trial, and it will take more work than anticipated — the kind of work the other Republican Senate candidates in other states are undertaking — in order to achieve the goal. Though understandable, everyone got a little hot-headed on this one. It’s time for Republicans and conservatives to get their wits about them and remember that, despite a momentary lapse of judgment on the part of Todd Akin, it is Claire McCaskill who really can’t be trusted in Missouri and in the United States Senate.

Remember this video? Missouri voters confronted their Senator, letting her know that she works for them, not the other way around.

We are in a life-or-death moment in this country. The high anxiety over the Akin comments is reasonable, as the stakes are high, but it’s time to get a grip and move on. Akin needs support — now more than ever — to try to regain some momentum. His are the values that are the values of most conservatives. GOP leaders and some pundits should reconsider their own knee-jerk remarks and decisions. Real conservatives, at this point in time, do not need a media show for the Democrats.

As former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said, “Todd is being systematically scourged for one thing he said. Is that more important than what Claire McCaskill has DONE over her 6 years in the Senate?”

Good point, Governor. Let’s remember that the person whose judgment really can’t be trusted is Claire McCaskill.


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