New Mexico Abortionist: 'Am I Killing? Yes, I Am.'

New Mexico Abortionist: 'Am I Killing? Yes, I Am.'

As the jury in the case of abortionist Kermit Gosnell continues its deliberations into a third week, the argument that many abortion proponents have made is that Gosnell is an “extreme anomaly” in the abortion industry.

As Breitbart News has been reporting, however, abortion clinics throughout the country have been discovered with the same horrific, unsanitary, and unsafe conditions, as well as the same level of brutality toward women and babies, some born alive, as has been reported in the Kermit Gosnell case.

Operation Rescue has been reporting for several years that Albuquerque, New Mexico is home to one of the country’s most high profile late-term abortion clinics, Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO). Since it is legal to abort a baby up to the day of birth in New Mexico, SWO is an abortion clinic that has no restrictions.

SWO is owned and operated by Curtis Boyd, who also owns another abortion clinic in Dallas, Texas. Boyd, who claims to have been a close friend of George Tiller’s, states he is an ordained Baptist minister who is now a Unitarian.

The video below shows Boyd when he was interviewed in 2009, openly stating, “Am I killing? Yes, I am.”

In 2011, Operation Rescue reported that 11 emergency 911 calls originated from SWO between November of 2008 and September of 2011.

The emergency 911 calls illustrate not only the life-threatening situations of the women who had sought abortions, but also the insensitive attitudes expressed by some of the staff members of the abortion clinics. In the recordings, staff members often attempt to cover up for the abortionists by shifting blame for the health complications onto their patients.

Emergency complications have included uterine rupture with heavy bleeding, chest pains, numbness, cervical laceration with hemorrhaging, and multiple seizures.

Because of the lack of abortion restrictions in New Mexico, abortionist Curtis Boyd markets late-term abortions and draws women from across the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Eleven complaints have been filed with the New Mexico Medical Board regarding abortion injuries at SWO. The Board resisted any investigation initially, but did end up investigating the case of an abortion, at 35 weeks gestation, that resulted in a ruptured uterus. The abortionist, Shelly Sella, was not disciplined for the incident.

According to Operation Rescue, abortion clinics in Albuquerque are never inspected by the state’s Department of Health. The “clinics” are exempt from the Ambulatory Surgical Center classification and consequently are under no scrutiny and operate without accountability.

In addition, citizens of New Mexico are forced to pay for abortions through state dollars that amounted to over $1 million in 2011. This funding helps to keep abortion clinics operating at maximum capacity.

Operation Rescue states:

From Governor Martinez on down New Mexico is full of apathetic leaders, legislators and authorities that are placing women’s lives at risk, just as the irresponsible regulators in Pennsylvania did when they refused to do their duty to rein in Gosnell’s corrupt abortion enterprise.

Breitbart News contacted Gov. Martinez’s staff, but received no response.


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