6 Bosses Obama Is Like

6 Bosses Obama Is Like

On Friday, the Democratic Party tweeted out a prospective bumper sticker designed to tout the wonders of President Barack Obama’s administration. It carried a photo of President Obama, accompanied by the words “LIKE A BOSS.”

The phrase originated with a video on Saturday Night Live starring Seth Rogen and Andy Samberg, in which the boss of a company (Samberg) demonstrates what a badass he is while relating the events of his day. He accomplishes tasks with aplomb – “like a boss.”

President Obama certainly has performed like a boss. From destroying the US healthcare system to ceding Ukraine to Vladimir Putin, from allowing Syrian dictator Bashar Assad to use weapons of mass destruction to allowing Iran to develop them, from doing nothing about Veterans Administration delays to shying off the IRS scandal, President Obama has been cool as a cucumber.

Here, then, are the top 6 movie/TV bosses President Obama is like:

Pointy-Haired Boss. Hat tip to @Iowahawkblog for his Dilbert reference:

Michael Scott. This alternatively endearing, annoying, and deeply incompetent boob differs from President Obama in only one respect: he’s endearing. Scott’s desperate desire for love bears some resemblance to our Commander-in-Chief’s: “Do I want to be feared or loved? That’s a good question. I want both. I people to be afraid of how much they love me!” So, too, does his inability to understand why folks dislike his activities: “You spend your whole life trying to get people to like you and then you run over one person with your car – not even one of the popular ones – and everybody gets on your case. Doesn’t make any sense.”

Bill Lumbergh. The highly irritating, passive-aggressive boss in Office Space saps the strength of his workforce, priding himself on his style in the process. If you could just, you know, go ahead and pay your Obamacare fee…mmmkay?

Prison Warden, Cool Hand Luke. How many times can President Obama blame his unpopularity or inability to achieve foreign policy goals on a failure to communicate? Only Strother Martin has done it more often.

Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns may monitor all of his employees via camera, but at least he isn’t hacking their emails.

Cosmo Spacely. George Jetson’s boss never stops screaming. He’s really angry. All the time. About scandals he finds out about in the newspapers.

President Obama may not be “like a boss.” Unfortunately for his subordinates and the country, however, he still gets to act like one.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013). He is also Editor-in-Chief of TruthRevolt.org. Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.


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